Hybrid working may be the new normal, but many employers are pushing for their staff to spend more time in the office rather than working from home. Some are taking it with a lot of enthusiasm and others not so much.
Of course, there are various reasons why an employee would not want to leave the comfort of their own home, but sometimes, the problem really is the office. It is not uncommon for a lot of commercial spaces to develop constant bad smells and turn the staff away from the premises. What causes them, how to remove and prevent them? Let’s find out.
What Causes Bad Smells in the Office
There are so many possible answers to this question. The one that seems to be typical to most office buildings is poor ventilation. If the air vents are not regularly cleaned, they could get clogged, perform poorly and even trap odours. It often leads to the development of mould and could trigger allergic reactions in people who work at the premises.
Another cause of bad smells in the office could be eating on the desk or leaving perishable food in the cupboard for too long. Throwing banana peels in the bin right next to you is not ideal either.
Last but not least, piping and drainage issues could also be a reason for lingering unpleasant odours.
The good news is, all these could be managed, resolved, and prevented in the future.
How to Eliminate and Prevent Bad Smells in the Office
If the air quality is poor because of inadequate ventilation the simplest solution is to open the windows more often. This is not always the best course of action, especially in cold months and energy bills rising through the roof. The next best thing would be to install air conditioning. However, that too could be quite expensive. So, then, the most cost-efficient and effective solution seems to be hiring a good commercial cleaning company that will regularly clean the air vents and make sure they are properly disinfected and functioning.
When it comes to lingering odours due to food consumption or storing, issuing simple office rules should solve the problem. For example, you could ask staff to eat only in the designated area and not keep perishable food on or around their desk. The office cleaners must make sure they check the fridge and the cupboards in the staff kitchen regularly for expired food and empty all rubbish bins every single day.
As for bad smells caused by piping and drainage issues, you must call the relevant specialists. Routine maintenance and adequate treatment of the facilities are, indeed, the best preventative measures you could take in that scenario.
Have you experienced bad smells in the office? What is the grossest thing that ever caused the problem? Hopefully, management stepped in on time and dealt with the issue appropriately.